Our Mission.

to raise  a people of the Word  changing the World

our values

OUR VALUES Our core essence is exemplified in our values which are articulated as: Salvation as the beginning of our experience with God. Steadfastness in our Christian commitment. Studying as our spiritual culture. Soul winning as our supreme task. Separation from the world as our attitude towards the world. Spirit filled as the mode of our worship. And Second coming as our expectation As our church enters into the next phase, it remains fully committed to helping build the man, family and ministry through the instrumentality of the word of God, and the apt help of the Holy Spirit. Rhema Chapel International Church remains committed to being the people of the word


OUR BELIEFS We believe that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is the infallible rule and standard of faith and conduct (2 Tim. 3:16; Ps. 119:128). We believe in the personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). We believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY by which we can get to the father (Jhn. 14:6) We believe in the imminent PERSONAL return of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in intensive and extensive world evangelism and missionary work in accordance with the Great Commission with signs and wonders following (Mark 16:15-20). We believe in divine healing in the sense of it being part of the atonement through faith (Matt. 18:16-17; Isa. 53:4; I Pet. 2:14; Ps. 103:3).

Our logo

What our logo means The fire on the top of the logo signifies the ever present ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Line that characterized the lettering of RHEMA reminds us of the line upon line and precepts upon precepts by which the revelation of God’s word come to us as we get empowered to change the world. What our colors represent Red: Signifies the blood of Jesus the fountain of forgiveness without which there is no remission of sins. Royal blue: stands for the covenant we have with God, to fulfill our ministry. White: connotes righteousness, which is our desire as we stand continually before Him in our lives and in all we do.